Tuesday, July 19, 2011


1. I recently discovered Boyce Avenue

2. Field of Dreams 2: Lockout
This mini-film has everything that a good film should have:


Tony Gonzalez


Kevin Costner

But really.  It is HILARIOUS.  You should check it out.

3. Club Crackers
Apparently, the serving size is 4 crackers.  This makes the 4 sleeves that I have had in the last week and a half seem rather excessive.

4. Target and Old Navy
I have officially banned myself from these stores due to the large amount of my June paychecks that went toward supporting their causes.  12 days until August.

5. Men's Plaid Shorts
Yes.  They are very nice.

And so are shirts like this:

And this:

But let's not put all of these nice things together.

Because then you look ridiculous.

(Just because my eyes have been exposed to this two times in the last 24 hours)

6. Quotes of the Week
Me: My pants are twisted.
Brother: I hear that happens a lot in Canada.

6th Grade Boy: I love the Broncos.
Teacher: Did you know that our Bishop is a Broncos fan?
Other 6th Grade Boy: Well, I bet the Pope is a Steelers fan.
Me: I bet Jesus is a Chiefs fan.

The teacher is explaining "The Agony in the Garden"
1st Grade Boy: I always wanted to be a spy.
Teacher: That's nice (continues teaching).
1st Grade Boy:  And a pirate!

7. Mono
I have it.  You better not kiss me or you will have it, too.

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